So, Mists of Pandaria happened this week. It is just gorgeous. The colours, the attention to detail, it is an artistic feast for the eyes as well as being an engaging game. I have no gotten in to the high level stuff (Elforen and Zarabethe must go together, after all) because we tried making Pandarens first, then thunderstorm last night....but tonight, I will not be put off any longer because the little tidbit I've seen of Pandaria just makes me thirsty for more. So here's some screenshots to try and keep me from charging in without him :P.
Maye Rose turns to look at her monastery home one last time before moving on (to the next quest) |
Look at the sleeping foxes!!
Maye and husband's monk Tyelung after getting some new duds (she blinked! I lol'ed)
Looking down over her home (isn't it beautiful??) |
Taking a ride on a cart to a farm (again, look at the detail on that house!) |
These flowers and bushes are a thousand times better looking that the ones in the beginning places of the game. |
So many colours! Look at the blue roofs! |
Sitting at a shrine. This isn't even part of a quest, it's just background noise. |
And of course, panda dancing :D |
Oh and the back of my monk Zhii looking at a really gorgeous bridge near the monastery. |
Well, I'm off to go battle some pets and try to keep my toes out of Pandaland :D